• Bible study

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    Spiritual nourishment is something that every Christian needs. We can get this nourishment from learning more about Christ's gospel. Reading the bible is essential for this reason. As a Christian, reading the bible should not only happen once a week when you go to church. You should make a point...
    The bible is a book that contains compilation of sacred scriptures and documents. It is one of the most-read books that is translated into many languages. The bible contains instructions and acts as a guide o Christians. Christians need to read the bible. There are many advantaged of reading the...
    When looking for a Bible reading plan, you will find that its always ideal praying and asking for some aid from God. Here are a few different ways to assess yourself before picking a Bible reading plan that will assist you in picking the correct plan for you. More so, you will discover that your...